Aims and Scope

Aims and Perspectives

In order to develop and promote Persian literature and Iranian-Islamic culture, the journal of the textual criticism of Persian literature (studies of ancient Persian language and literature) publishes the specialists’ new research on Persian language and literature so as to make such research available to those interested.

The journal of the textual criticism of Persian literature, university of Isfahan, is ready to receive articles in the following areas in order to expand the boundaries of knowledge, promote information as well as scientific research, and finally publish the results of innovative and valid research:

  • Review and analysis of the theoretical foundations of description of Persian literary texts,
  • Examining, analyzing, and explaining the difficult points of Persian literary texts,
  • Review and analysis of corrections, and editions of Persian literary texts.
  • Investigation and analysis of distortions prevalent in Persian literary texts,
  • Semiotic review and analysis carried out to help better understand Persian literary texts,
  • Reviewing and criticizing the interpretations carried out by contemporary thinkers about Persian literary texts.
  • Reviewing, analyzing, and evaluating the manuscripts of Persian literary texts,
  • New literary schools and Persian literary texts,
  • Aesthetics of Persian literary texts,
  • and other topics that are related to the explanation and analysis of Persian literary texts.